[Math] Deriving the variance of the Bernoulli distribution

probabilityprobability distributions

For a Bernoulli distribution, $\mu_X = p$. I can easily derive this from the general equation for mean of a discrete random variable:
I know that the variance of the Bernoulli distribution is supposed to be $\sigma_x^2=p(1-p)$. But I can not seem to derive that properly from the general equation for variance of a discrete random variable:
This is obviously incorrect; what am I doing incorrectly in my derivation?

Best Answer

$$ \sigma_x^2=\sum_{i=1}^k(x_i-\mu_X)^\color{red}2Pr(X=x_i) $$ $$ \sigma_x^2=(x_0-p)^\color{red}2(1-p)+(x_1-p)^\color{red}2(p) $$ $$ \sigma_x^2=(0-p)^\color{red}2(1-p)+(1-p)^\color{red}2(p) $$ $$ \sigma_x^2=p^\color{red}2(1-p)+(1-p)^\color{red}2(p) $$ $$ \sigma_x^2=p(1-p)(p+1-p)=p(1-p) $$

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