Geometry – Deriving the Power Series for Cosine Using Basic Geometry


Looking for the derivation of cosine lead to and the MacLauren series.


Wondering if one could show how the cosine series function is derived, starting from basic geometry. Looking at that equation above, I'm not sure where the numbers and variables came from.

Note, I am hoping for a derivation starting with "A triangle has 3 sides", super simple, not from the Taylor series or idea of derivatives which already has a lot of context (but I would like to see derivatives and Taylor series in the process). I would like to see the connections from:

  1. basic geometry $\to$ stuff
  2. stuff $\to$ taylor series
  3. taylor series $\to$ stuff
  4. stuff $\to$ cosine power series

Best Answer

I'll amend this eight(!)-year-old answer with more detail.

We begin with the fact that a triangle has three sides. :) In particular, a right triangle has one hypotenuse and two legs. If we take the hypotenuse to have length $1$, and one of the triangle's acute angles to have (radian) measure $\theta$, then the leg opposite $\theta$ has length $\sin\theta$, while the leg adjacent to $\theta$ has length $\cos\theta$. (That's the geometric definition of these values.)

In the diagrams below, $\overline{OP}$ is the hypotenuse of the right triangle in question, and we construct arc $\stackrel{\frown}{PP_0}$ of the unit circle about $O$. Note that, because the radius is $1$, we have $|\stackrel{\frown}{P_0P}| = \theta$.

Following a remarkable construction by Y. S. Chaikovsky (presented in this very readable American Mathematical Monthly article by Leo Gurin), we subdivide the $\stackrel{\frown}{PP_0}$ into $n$ equal parts, recursively building a collection of similar isosceles triangles in various stages. (Each stage has one fewer triangle than its predecessor.) The diagram shows the triangles for $n=4$ and $n=16$, as well as for the limiting case ("$n=\infty$").

enter image description here

For each $n$, the bases of the first stage of triangles form a polygonal approximation of the circular arc $\stackrel{\frown}{P_0P}$; the bases of the second-stage triangles approximation the involute $P_1P$ of that arc; the bases of the third-stage triangles approximate the involute $P_2P$ of that involute; and so on. Moreover, the construction guarantees that the leg of the largest isosceles triangle at each stage has length equal to that of the polygonal path formed by the bases of the previous stage:

$$|\overline{P_{i-1}P_{i}}| = |\widehat{P_{i-1}P}| \tag{1}$$

At the first stage, each triangle has leg-length $1$ and base-length $s := 2\sin\frac{\theta}{2n}$. At the second stage, the smallest triangle has a previous base for a leg, so its base-length is $s^2$; in general, at stage $i$, the smallest triangle's base-length is $s^{i}$. Chaikovsky discovered a clever (but not difficult) combinatorial argument (omitted here) that the total length of all bases at a particular stage is an integer multiple of that smallest base, namely

$$|\widehat{P_{i-1}P}| = \binom{n}{i}\;s^i \quad\text{which we can write as}\quad \frac{1}{i!}\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}\left(2n\sin\frac{\theta}{2n}\cdot \frac{n-j}{n}\right) \tag{$\star$}$$

(a formula that conveniently works for $i=0$ as well, if we rename point $O$ to $P_{-1}$).

Now, as $n$ increases, the various polygonal paths better-approximate their corresponding smooth curves. This is guaranteed by the only sophisticated fact we need from elementary Calculus: $$\lim_{x\to 0} \frac{\sin x}{x} = 1 \qquad\text{so that}\qquad \lim_{n\to \infty}2n\sin\frac{\theta}{2n} = \theta \tag{2}$$ Also, the fraction $(n-j)/n$ better-approximates $1$. Consequently, in the limit, the polygonal paths simplify to curves while the big product in $(\star)$ simplifies to $\theta^i$. Recalling $(1)$, we can write

$$|\overline{P_{i-1}P_{i}}| = \frac{1}{i!}\theta^i \tag{$\star\star$}$$

So what?

Well, observe that, in the limiting diagram, the path $OP_1P_2P_3P_4\cdots$ forms a spiral that appears to (and actually happens to) converge on point $P$. The segments of that path are either perfectly horizontal or perfectly vertical: With each horizontal step, the path alternately over- and under-shoots $P$'s horizontal offset from $O$, while each vertical step does likewise for the vertical offset. But those offsets are precisely $\cos\theta$ and $\sin\theta$! Therefore,

$$\begin{align} \cos\theta = |\overline{OP_0}| - |\overline{P_1P_2}| + |\overline{P_3P_4}| - \cdots &= \sum_{i\;\text{even}}(-1)^{i/2}\;|\overline{P_{i-1}P_{i}}| \;\;\;\;= \sum_{i\;\text{even}} (-1)^{i/2}\;\frac{1}{i!}\theta^i \\[4pt] \sin\theta = |\overline{P_0P_1}| - |\overline{P_2P_3}| + |\overline{P_4P_5}| - \cdots &= \sum_{i\;\text{odd}}(-1)^{(i-1)/2}\;|\overline{P_{i-1}P_{i}}| = \sum_{i\;\text{odd}} (-1)^{(i-1)/2}\;\frac{1}{i!}\theta^i \end{align}$$

That is, with some simple geometry, a dash of combinatorics, and the slightest touch of Calculus, we arrive at the power series representations for sine and cosine. As my other answer notes, a minor variation in the construction of the involutes (albeit with significantly-trickier combinatorics) leads to the series for tangent and secant. (I still don't have a counterpart for cotangent and cosecant, which remains the topic of my first Trigonography Challenge.) $\square$