[Math] Deriving the number of edges in a Turán graph

combinatoricsextremal-graph-theorygraph theory

When stating Turán's theorem, the Turán graphs are often used to give an upper bound on the possible number of edges in a graph without a clique of a certain size. This bound can also be proven explicitly (see this for different ways to state/prove the theorem).

But when the Turán graph is used, the number of its edges must be determined somehow. Wolfram gives us a number, but I really need to derive it somehow. So, again, in short: How is the number of edges in a Turán graph derived?

Best Answer

The Turán graph $T(n,r)$ is an $r$-partite graph whose parts are as nearly equal in size as possible. Let $n=pr+s$, where $p$ and $s$ are integers, and $0\le s<r$; then $T(n,r)$ has $s$ parts of size $p+1$ and $r-s$ parts of size $p$. Thus, $s\binom{p+1}2+(r-s)\binom{p}2$ of the $\binom{n}2$ pairs of vertices of $T(n,r)$ are within a single part and are not connected by an edge, and the number of edges of $T(n,r)$ is therefore

$$\begin{align*} \binom{n}2-s\binom{p+1}2-(r-s)\binom{p}2&=\frac{n(n-1)-sp(p+1)-(r-s)p(p-1)}2\\\\ &=\frac{n^2-s-2ps-p^2r}2\\\\ &=\frac{p^2r^2+2prs+s^2-p^2r-2ps-s}2\\\\ &=\frac{(r-1)(p^2r+2ps)}2+\binom{s}2\\\\ &=\frac{(r-1)(p^2r^2+2prs)}{2r}+\binom{s}2\\\\ &=\frac{(r-1)(n^2-s^2)}{2r}+\binom{s}2\;.\tag{1} \end{align*}$$

Contrary to the assertions in Wikipedia and MathWorld, this is not necessarily equal to


as may be seen by considering the case $n=12,r=8$. $T(12,8)$ evidently has $4$ vertices of degree $11$ and $8$ of degree $10$, for a total of $\frac12(44+80)=62$ edges, which agrees with $(1)$, while $(2)$ evaluates to $63$. It is true, however, that


and hence that




A lower bound on the number of edges in $T(n,r)$ is


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