[Math] Deriving the formula for the volume of a sphere


A circle $x^2 +y^2 =a^2$ is rotated about the $y$-axis to form a solid sphere of radius $a$.

How do you express this motion mathematically in such a way that it allows me to arrive at the formula for the volume of the sphere?

Best Answer


$$dV=(dr)(rd\theta)(rcos\theta d\phi)=[(r^{2}cos\theta dr) d\theta] d\phi$$

$$\rightarrow V=\int \int \int [(r^{2}cos\theta dr) d\theta] d\phi$$

So I guess if you integrate w.r.t dr,d$\theta$ you get a disk.Now to 'rotate' this disk integrate the result w.r.t d$\phi$

Note: Using this method one can find that there are 6 ways to do this integration to find out the volume.(each way is unique and interesting)

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