[Math] Derive Equation of Plane passing through the intersection of two planes


How to derive the equation of the plane passing through the intersection of two given planes.

Lets say we have given two planes
\pi_1 : \vec{r}.\hat{n}_1=d_1\\
\pi_2 : \vec{r}.\hat{n}_2=d_2\\
where $\hat{n}_1, \hat{n}_2$ : unit vectors normal to the planes $\pi_1, \pi_2$ and $d_1, d_2$ : perpendicular distances from the origin.

The position vector of any point on the line of intersection must satisfy both the equations.

So far good, I understand this. But, from here how do I prove that any plane passing through the intersection of the planes is:

\pi_3 : \vec{r}.(\hat{n}_1+\lambda \hat{n}_2)=d_1+\lambda d_2\\
\pi_3 : \vec{r}.(\alpha\hat{n}_1+\beta \hat{n}_2)=\alpha d_1+\beta d_2

My Understanding

From the figure

enter image description here

and parallelogram law of vector addition, the normal of the plane passing through the intersection of $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ will be some linear combination of $n_1$ and $n_2$. ie, $\hat{n}_3=\alpha\hat{n}_1+\beta\hat{n}_2$. And any point should satisfy equations of $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$. Thus,
\vec{r}.\hat{n}_3=D \implies \vec{r}.(\alpha\hat{n}_1+\beta\hat{n}_2)=\alpha\vec{r}.\hat{n}_1+\beta\vec{r}.\hat{n}_2=\alpha d_1+\beta d_2=D\\\color{red}{
\implies \vec{r}.(\alpha\hat{n}_1+\beta\hat{n}_2)=\alpha d_1+\beta d_2}

Is it the right explanation of the derivation ?

Best Answer

All the points that satisfy the first (second) equation belong to the first (second) plane.

You are free to form a linear combination of two equations, for instance with the coefficients $1$ and $\lambda$.

$$\vec r\vec n_1+\lambda\,\vec r\vec n_2=d_1+\lambda\,d_2,$$ which can be written

$$\vec r\,(\vec n_1+\lambda\,\vec n_2)=d_1+\lambda\,d_2.$$ The resulting equation has the shape of a plane equation. Furthermore, any point that satisfies the two given equations will also verify the combined one. So the new equation describes a plane that contains the intersection of the two given planes.

In fact, if you vary $\lambda$, you get an infinity of different planes (among which the plane $1$ for $\lambda=0$; this parameterization does not allow to include the plane $2$).

If you admit that all the possible solution planes are defined by the line of intersection and a point outside this line, then you can plug the point in the combined equation and draw the value of $\lambda$. If the point is outside the plane $2$, there is a solution. Hence the equation describes all possible planes (but $2$).

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