[Math] Derive branch cuts for $\log(\sqrt{1-z^2} + iz)$ as $(-\infty,-1)$ and $(1,\infty)$



First, we examine $\sqrt{1-z^2}$. Note that it can be written $\sqrt{1-z}\sqrt{1+z}$, so the appropriate branch cuts are $(-\infty,-1)$ and $(1,\infty)$ for the inner square root term.

Next, we look at $\log(w)$ and note that we can define the cut for $\log(w)$ as $(-\infty,0)$. But now what? I tried setting $w= \sqrt{1-z^2} + iz$, solving for the branch point where $w=0$, but this results in $1=-z^2+z^2=0$, so I think this is the wrong approach.

What is the correct way to understand this?

Best Answer

It may be useful to consider $w=\sqrt{1-z^2}+iz$. Isolating the square root and squaring, you may note that the $z^2$ terms cancel, and you end up with $$z=\frac1{2i}\Bigl(w-\frac1w\Bigr),$$ and then subsituting this into the equation $\sqrt{1-z^2}=w-iz$ you also find $$\sqrt{1-z^2}=\frac12\Bigl(w+\frac1w\Bigr).$$ Thus both $z$ and $\sqrt{1-z^2}$ are single-valued functions of $w$, so it should be easier to analyze the given function as $\log w$.

There are two values of $w$ for each value of $z$: Replacing $w$ by $-1/w$ leaves $z$ unchanged, and flips the sign of $\sqrt{1-z^2}$.

Note that imaginary $w$ gives real $z$: Your proposed branch cuts in the $z$ plane go along the imaginary axis in the $w$ plane, from $\pm i$ to infinity in opposite directions, but also (if you pick the other branch of the square root) from $\pm i$ to $0$. Thus your branch cuts divides the $w$ plane in two halves along the imaginary axis, and you end up with not having to pick further branch cuts for the logarithm.

(In my first edition of this answer I got a little confused because I was thinking of getting the full Riemann surface for the given function. I hope I managed to fix this before confusing anybody else too much. The analysis I give here is perhaps better for understanding the Riemann surface; it could well be overkill for the branch cut question. Oh well …)