[Math] Derivative of trace functions using chain rule

chain rulederivativesmatricestrace

Let us consider $\text{trace}(f(AA^\top))$ where $f$ is some smooth function and $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$. Here, function $f$ is a function of matrices (c.f., Higham's books). If $f(x) = x$, then $\text{trace}(f(AA^\top)) = \|A\|_F^2$ (Frobenius norm) and if $f(x) = x^{p/2}$, then $\text{trace}(f(AA^\top))$ is related to Schatten-$p$ norm.

I would like to derivative $\text{trace}(f(AA^\top))$ with respect to matrix $A$.
Let $g: X\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} \rightarrow \text{trace}(f(X)) \in \mathbb{R}$ and $h: A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m} \rightarrow A A^\top \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$. By chain rule, it holds that
\frac{\partial g(h(A))}{\partial A} = \frac{\partial g(h(A))}{\partial h} \frac{\partial h(A)}{\partial A}.
To the best of my knowledge, $\frac{\partial g(h(A))}{\partial h} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ and $\frac{\partial h(A)}{\partial A} \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n \times n \times m}$.
I was confused whether those two terms are productable or not. However, when $p=2$, this corresponds to square of Frobenius norm and its derivative is known as $2 A$.

Any comment or advise would be highly appreciated! Thank you.

Best Answer

Let's denote the derivative of the function with a prime
$$\eqalign { f'(x) &= \frac{df(x)}{dx} \cr }$$ The differential of the trace of the function applied to a matrix argument is $$\eqalign { \lambda &= {\rm tr}\big(f(M)\big) \cr d\lambda &= f'(M)^T:dM \cr }$$ where the colon denotes the double-contraction product, i.e. $\,\,A:B={\rm tr}(A^TB)$

In the case that $\,M=AA^T\,$ note that $M$ is symmetric, so $f'(M)^T=f'(M)$. Now we can use the above differential to find the gradient with respect to $A$ $$\eqalign { d\lambda &= f'(M):(dA\,A^T+A\,dA^T) \cr &= f'(M):dA\,A^T + f'(M):A\,dA^T \cr &= f'(M):dA\,A^T + f'(M)^T:dA\,A^T \cr &= 2f'(M):dA\,A^T \cr &= 2f'(AA^T)A:dA \cr \cr \frac{\partial\lambda}{\partial A} &= 2f'(AA^T)A \cr }$$

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