[Math] Derivative of double integral using Leibniz integral rule


How can I perform derivative of double integral

$$\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\int_{t-\mathrm d1}^t \int_h^t f(s) \,\mathrm ds\,\mathrm dh$$

Can I apply a Leibniz rule of some form? How?

Best Answer

The Leibniz integral rule can be applied.

Let $\int_{h}^{t}\!f \left( s \right) \,{\rm d}s = F(t,h)$.

\begin{align} \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\int_{t-\mathrm d1}^t \int_h^t f(s) \,\mathrm ds\,\mathrm dh &= {\frac {\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}}\int_{t-\mathrm d_{{1}}}^{t}F \left( t,h \right) \,{\rm d}h\\ &= F(t,t)\frac {\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}(t) - F(t,t-\mathrm d_1)\frac {\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}(t - \mathrm d_1) + \int_{t-\mathrm d_{{1}}}^{t} \frac {\partial}{\partial t} F \left( t,h \right) \,{\rm d}h\\ &= 0 - F(t,t-\mathrm d_1) + \int_{t-\mathrm d_{{1}}}^{t} f(t)\,{\rm d}h\\ &= \boxed{-\int_{t-\mathrm d_{{1}}}^{t} f(s)\,{\rm d}s + \mathrm d_1\,f(t)}\\ \end{align}

Note that this is the same as what Mathematica and Maple give.