[Math] derivative of a determinant of a matrix with respect to an element that appears many times in the matrix

determinantlinear algebramatricesoptimization

I've been trying to find material on matrix calculus but it seems hard to find ones with understandable proofs.

I'm doing research work and I am trying to verify some computation. Suppose that I have a matrix $A= \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
\beta_{11} + c\beta_{12} +\beta_{13} & -c\beta_{12} & -\beta_{13} \\
-c\beta_{12} & c\beta_{12}+\beta_{22}+\beta_{23} & -\beta_{23} \\
-\beta_{13} & \beta_{23} & -\beta_{13}+\beta_{23}+\beta_{33} \end{array} \right) $ where $c$ is a constant, how do I evaluate $\frac{d}{d\beta_{12}}\det{(A)}$?

From what I have searched, if $A= \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
\beta_{11} & \beta_{12} & \beta_{13} \\
\beta_{21} & \beta_{22} & \beta_{23} \\
\beta_{31} & \beta_{32} & \beta_{33} \end{array} \right) $ , i.e. no 2 elements are identical, then $\frac{d}{d\beta_{12}}\det{(A)}=\det{(A)}\cdot A^{-1}_{12}$.

What about the former case? Is there some sort of product rule like in 1-variable calculus?

I forgot to mention, the above is just a simplified case of the problem I'm working on. For my case, the matrix $A$ has dimension 300×300


Best Answer

You can use the fact that $$\frac{\partial \det A}{\partial \alpha} = \det A \,\mathop{\rm tr} \left(A^{-1} \frac{\partial A}{\partial \alpha}\right), $$if $A$ is invertible.

Or more generally, you can use Jacobi's formula $$\frac{\partial \det A}{\partial \alpha}= \mathop{\rm tr} \left(\mathop{\rm adj}(A) \frac{\partial A}{\partial \alpha}\right).$$