[Math] Degree of this attaching map — or how to define this attaching map


Consider the cell complex consisting of two zero cells $e_0^1, e_0^2$ connected by two 1 cells $e_1^1,e_1^2$ with one 2 cell $e_2$ in the middle (Picture: Imagine $S^1$ with one $0$-cell at the north pole and the other at the south pole. Glue the disk into this circle.).

enter image description here

Let $f_1: S^1 \to S^1$, $f_2: S^1 \to S^1$ be the maps that attach the two cell to the two $1$-cells. I am trying to calculate the degree of $f_1,f_2$.

Here the degree is described as " the degree of a continuous mapping between two compact oriented manifolds of the same dimension is a number that represents the number of times that the domain manifold wraps around the range manifold under the mapping."

I understand that. If I apply it to the $2$-cell in my example then half of the $2$-cell wraps once around one of the $1$-cells while the other half wraps around the other $1$-cell.

Therefore we should have $\deg(f_1) = \deg(f_2) = {1\over 2}$. The problem is, in the definition the degree is an integer. How do I calculate the degree of this attaching map correctly?


Maybe my problem is that I don't know how to define the attaching map for this example so that it is one attaching map $S^1\to S^1$ rather than two maps. After all, the degree is define for one map $S^n \to S^n$. But I don't see how I can calculate the degree if I define it using one map.

Edit 2

With orientation as assumed in the answer by Ted Shifrin:

enter image description here

Edit 3

In this question I am asking about degrees of attaching maps $\chi_n$ as in the definition of cellular homology on Wikipedia. I am not asking about boundary maps.

Best Answer

You're misinterpreting the boundary map. There is just one circle, formed by the union of the two $1$-cells. (The degree is defined from the boundary of each $2$-cell to each circle in the $1$-skeleton.) So the boundary of the $2$-cell is the sum $e_1^1+e_1^2$. Note that you have $C_2 \cong \Bbb Z$, $C_1 \cong \Bbb Z\oplus\Bbb Z$, and $C_0 \cong \Bbb Z\oplus \Bbb Z$. We have \begin{align*} \partial_2\colon C_2\to C_1\,, &\quad \partial_2(e_2) = e_1^1+e_1^2, \\ \partial_1\colon C_1\to C_0\,, &\quad \partial_1(e_1^1) = e_0^2-e_0^1, \partial_1(e_1^2)= e_0^1-e_0^2. \end{align*} You can check that this gives the homology $H_2 \cong 0$, $H_1\cong 0$, $H_0\cong\Bbb Z$, as it should.

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