[Math] Degree 1 maps from $\mathbb S^n$


Suppose that $f:S^n \to M$ is a map from the $n$-sphere to a simply-connected $n$-dimensional manifold that induces an isomorphism on top homology. I wonder if it's true that $f$ is already a homotopy equivalence.

I will first present the arguments of a fellow user which show that $M$ can have no non-torsion elements in reduced homology below dimension $n$. Assuming the contrary, there exists a primitive non-torsion element $\alpha \in H^k(M,\mathbb Z)$ for $0 < k < n$. By Poincaré-duality, there exists some $\beta \in H^{n-k}(M,\mathbb Z)$ such that $\alpha \cup \beta$ is generator of $H^n(M,\mathbb Z)$. But $f^*$ is natural with respect to cup products and an isomorphism in top cohomology. We arrive at a contradiction, since $H^k(S^n) = 0$ for $0 < k < n$.

Taking $\mathbb Q$ coefficients (thereby killing torsion), we have that $f$ induces an isomorphism on all homology groups with $\mathbb Q$ coefficients. Since $M'$ was assumed to be simply connected, it follows by the rational Hurewicz theorem that $f$ induces an isomorphism on all homotopy groups tensored with $\mathbb Q$. The Whitehead theorem, however, cannot be imediately applied now. Is there any other way to conclude that $f$ is a homotopy equivalence ?

Best Answer

While the question as asked has already been resolved, let me remark that the hypothesis that $M$ is simply connected is unnecessary. Indeed, suppose $M$ is possibly not simply connected, and let $p:\tilde{M}\to M$ be its universal cover. We may assume $n>1$, so that our degree $1$ map $f:S^n\to M$ lifts to a map $\tilde{f}:S^n\to\tilde{M}$. It follows that the isomorphism $f_*:H_n(S^n,\mathbb{Z})\to H_n(M,\mathbb{Z})$ factors through $H_n(\tilde{M},\mathbb{Z})$. In particular, this means that $H_n(\tilde{M},\mathbb{Z})\neq 0$ so $\tilde{M}$ must be compact; it follows that $p$ is a finite cover. The degree of $p$ (i.e., the map induced on $H_n$) is then equal to the degree of $p$ as a covering map. Since $1=\deg f=\deg \tilde{f}\deg p$, we must have $\deg p=1$. Thus $p$ is a degree $1$ cover and hence a homeomorphism, so $M\cong \tilde{M}$ is simply connected.