[Math] Deformation Retract of Complement of Two Linked Circles in $\mathbf R^3$


On pg. 47 of Hathcer's Algebraic Topology, the author discusses the fundamental group of $\mathbf R^n-(A\cup B)$, where $A$ and $B$ are circles in $\mathbf R^3$ which are linked.

The author writes that $\mathbf R^3-A\cup B$ deformation retracts to the wedge sum of a torus and a $2$-sphere.

enter image description here

I was unable to see how this is so. Can somebody please help me visualize a deformation retract.

Best Answer

This is a partial answer.

To see the deformation retraction, see the flow lines in the diagram below. It shows the flow lines in the vertical and horizontal slices. For the intermediary slices, we gradually move from horizontal slice to the vertical slice.

(In the diagram, dashed circles are the slices of the torus; bold circles and points are the slices of the removed circles).

enter image description here

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