[Math] Definition of Sub-Lattice


In reference to Sub-lattices and lattices.

In Wikipedia, it's given that-

A sublattice of a lattice L is a nonempty subset of L that is a
lattice with the same meet and join operations as L.

That is if L is a lattice and $M ≠ {\displaystyle \varnothing } $ is
a subset of L such that for every pair of elements a, b in M both a ∧
b and a ∨ b are in M, then M is a sublattice of L

In Discrete Mathematics and It's Application – Kenneth Rosen, $7^{th} \ Indian \ edition$, it's given that –

A sublattice of a lattice L is a subset $S \subseteq L$ such that if
$a,b \in S, \ a \wedge b \in S \ and \ a \vee b \in S. $

I understood that $1^{st}$ condition of $M \subseteq L$ to be a sub-lattice is that- for every pair of elements a, b in M both a ∧ b and a ∨ b should present in M.

But is it necessary that M should have the same meet and join operations as L?

Best Answer

Yes, it is. This is implied in the second definition; the symbols $\land$ and $\lor$ are being used to refer to the operations in $L$.

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