[Math] definition of monotone increasing sets


I've started reading All of Statistics by Larry Wasserman with the hope of gaining understanding of machine learning fundamentals.
The author gives the following definition in the first chapter:

A sequence of sets $A_1, A_2,\dots$ is monotone increasing if $A_1
\subset A_2 \subset \dots$ and we define $\lim_{n\rightarrow
\infty}A_n = \bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty}A_i$.

(The author then analogously defines the
monotone decreasing sequence of sets.)

In either case, we will write $A_n \rightarrow A$.

It's obvious that for any finite k, $A_k = \bigcup_{i=1}^{k} A_k$, so I guess it's an infinite extension of this. My problem is I don't really understand the motivation behind this definition; i.e. what it "buys us".

I'd appreciate any insight.

Best Answer

Among other things, such constructions help you define and understand the continuity of measures (which is basically a function defined on sets in a sigma algebra). For example, with the $A_n$s you have defined, and with a measure $\mu$,

$$ \lim \mu (A_n)=\mu (\lim A_n)$$

Compare this with standard continuity below to see the similarities:

$$ \lim f (x_n)=f (\lim x_n)$$

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