[Math] Definition of inertia group in infinite extensions


In algebraic number theory we learn the definition of inertia group of a finite Galois extension. What is the definition in the case of an infinite extension? (say in the algebraic closure of Q).

Best Answer

If you define inertia groups via valuation theory, then the exact same definition that works for finite extensions works also for infinite extensions. Namely, If $K/k$ is a (possibly infinite) Galois extension of global fields, and $v$ is place of $K$, then the inertia group, say $I(K/k)$, of $K/k$ consists of those $\sigma\in \operatorname{Gal}(K/k)$ such that $$ v(\sigma(\alpha)-\alpha)>0 $$ for all $\alpha\in K$ satisfying $v(\alpha)\geq 0$. Incidentally, it is easy to check that this agrees with the other natural definition, that it is the inverse limit of the inertia subgroups $I(L/k)$ as you range over all finite galois subextensions $k/L/K$.