[Math] Definition of connected sets


Wikipedia provides several different definitions of connectedness that they say are equivalent. For example, it says that a connected set is not the union of disjoint open sets. While this makes sense, why does it suffice to show that if a set is not the union of open sets, it is connected? (Ex. The union of [1,2] and [3,4] is not connected, but it is not the union of open sets.)

Best Answer

We have to understand that connectedness must be defined in a metric (or topological) space. So, when we say "open" sets, we mean that they are open subject to a defined (metric) topology.

Simply, the connected (space) set $A \subseteq X$ is a set that is contained in a metric (or topological) space and there are not any two disjoint open (which implies the closed too) sets (in $X$) that make a partition for $A$. Namely, for any $U$ and $V$ non-empty open in $X$ and $U \cap V =\phi$, then $U \cup V \neq A$.

In conclusion, a set $A$ is connected if we can not find a partition for A from the open sets (subject to the topology (metric)).