[Math] Definition of cofinality


Let $\alpha$ be a limit ordinal. We define $\operatorname{cf}\alpha$ to be the least limit ordinal $\beta$ such that there is an increasing $\beta$-sequence $\langle \alpha_{\xi} \mid \xi < \beta\rangle$ with $\displaystyle\lim_{\xi \to \beta} \alpha_{\xi} = \alpha$ (This is how Jech defines it).

But how do I define cofinality of a non-limit ordinal? For example $\operatorname{cf}(4)$, or $\operatorname{cf}(\omega + 5)$? This comes up in my reading frequently and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

Thanks very much.

Best Answer

The cofinality of a partially ordered set $P$ is defined to be the least cardinality of all cofinal sets in $P$.

A set $B \subset A$ is called cofinal in $A$ if for every $a \in A$ there is a $b \in B$ such that $a \leq b$.

Now applying this to $4$ we observe that $\{ 3 \}$ is cofinal in $4$ and hence $\operatorname{cf}{(4)} = |\{ 3 \}| = 1$.

Similarly, we observe that the set $\{ \omega + 4 \}$ is cofinal in $\omega + 5$, hence $\operatorname{cf}{(\omega + 5)} = 1$.

Note that every successor ordinal has an $\in$-maximal element and hence has cofinality $1$.

Hope this helps.