[Math] Definition of Adjoint Operator for Quantum Mechanics

adjoint-operatorsoperator-theoryquantum mechanics

While learning about adjoint operators for quantum mechanics, I encountered two definitions.

The first definition is given by Shankar in The Principle of Quantum Mechanics:

Given a ket
$$ A\lvert V \rangle = \lvert A V \rangle$$
the correspoding bra is
$$\langle AV \rvert=\langle V \rvert A^\dagger$$
which defines the operator $A^\dagger$.

The second definition is:

For a linear operator $A$, its adjoint is defined so that
$$\langle u \rvert A^\dagger \lvert v \rangle = {\langle v \rvert A \lvert u \rangle}^* $$
where $^*$ means to take the complex conjugate.

From the first definition, it seems that the adjoint $A^\dagger$ should only act on bras. But from the second definition the adjoint $A^\dagger$ acts on a ket $\lvert v \rangle$. How does the two definition reconcile with each other? Is the first definition of the adjoint somewhat misleading, since it can also act on kets?

Best Answer

The underlying reason is that for a Hilbert space $H$, its dual is again $H$. What this means is that any bounded linear functional $H\to\mathbb C$ is given by the inner product against some fixed vector. So, any linear functional is given by choosing some $v\in H$ and then doing $u\longmapsto \langle v|u\rangle$ (this is known to mathematicians as the Riesz Representation Theorem).

That is, the "kets" are the elements of the space $H$, and the "bras" are the elements of the dual. Now, the adjoint $A^\dagger$ is defined precisely as the operator (on the dual $H^*$, but for us it is again $H$) such that $$\tag1\langle A^\dagger v|u\rangle=\langle v|Au\rangle.$$ When $A$ is selfadjoint, you have $$ \langle v|Au\rangle=\langle Av|u\rangle=\overline{\langle u|Av\rangle}. $$ As a mathematician, it is hard for me to grasp any advantage from talking about bras and kets. It would make a lot more sense to write $v^*u$ instead of $\langle v|u\rangle$. Here, for a vector $v$, the vector $v^*$ is the conjugate transpose, and then $v^*u$ is precisely the matrix product. When there is an operator in the mix, $$ v^*(Au)=v^*Au=(A^*v)^*u, $$ which is the same as $(1)$ but doesn't require any convention other than the mathematical properties of taking adjoints (namely, "conjugate and tranpose").

If you really care about the math behind, given an operator $T:X\to Y$, one can always defined an adjoint $T^*:Y^*\to X^*$ (where $X^*$ is the dual, i.e. the space of bounded linear functionals on $X$) by $$ (T^*g)(x)=g(Tx). $$ Because, as already mentioned, for a Hilbert $H$ the dual is again $H$, we can see the adjoint again as an operator on $H$.

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