[Math] Definition of a non-linear first order Partial differential equation

ordinary differential equationspartial derivativepartial differential equations

Actually I am a little bit confused about the definition. I have read two three articles but I could not find out what type of equations are called a non-linear partial differential equation. Articles are following.


$pq = 0$ will be a first order non linear Partial differential equation? p,q are usual notation in PDE.

Please don' downvote. I know it is a silly question. But I am really confused. Please help me. I am looking forward to ur reply.

Best Answer

A nonlinear pde is a pde in which either the desired function(s) and/or their derivatives have either a power $\neq 1$ or is contained in some nonlinear function like $\exp, \sin$ etc, or the coordinates are nonlinear. for example, if $\rho:\mathbb{R}^4\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ where three of the inputs are spatial coordinates, then an example of linear: $$\partial_t \rho = \nabla^2\rho$$ and now for nonlinear nonlinear $$\partial_t \rho = \nabla^2\rho+ \cos\rho$$

As I stated at the beginning A nonlinear pde can also be a pde in which the coordinates are non linear. Example:: $$\partial_t \rho(x,y,z,t)= \nabla^2 \rho(x,y,z,t)+xy-yz $$ the $xy$ and $yz$ make it nonlinear. P and q are analogous to x y z and/or t. $$ \partial_t \rho(x,y,z,t)= \nabla^2 \rho(x,y,z,t)+x^{\frac{13}{21}}$$ Is also nonlinear.

In your notation, Example:: $$\partial_t \rho(p,q)= \nabla^2 \rho(p,q)+pq$$ is nonlinear due to $pq$

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