[Math] Definition of a dominating function and the Dominated Convergence Theorem.


I apologise if this is a rather simplistic or even silly question, but I am confused with the word "dominated" in Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem (DCT) since I can find no definition of a dominating function in the textbook I am following, rather I can only find a definition in relation to measures.

In the DCT it is assumed we have a sequence $\{f_{n}\}$ of real measurable functions where $|f_{n}|\leq g$ almost everywhere for all $n$, and where $g$ is integrable. Now I can clearly see from various discussions on the DCT that $g$ is considered to be the dominating function, but I cannot find any definition to confirm this. The only definition I can find is related to measures and absolute continuity:

The measure $v$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the measure $\mu$ if for all $A\in\mathscr{F}$, $\mu(A)=0$ implies $v(A)=0$. In the text I am following this is written as $v<<\mu$ which means $v$ is dominated by $\mu$.

Am I right in assuming there is nothing linking these two uses of the word dominating?

Best Answer

Given two positive functions $f$ and $g$ such that $f$ dominates $g$, let $$\nu(A) = \int_A g d\mu, \qquad \eta(A) = \int_A f d\mu.$$ We note that $\nu(A) \leq \eta(A)$ for all measurable sets $A$. In particular, $\nu(A)=0$ for all $\eta$-null sets $A$, so that $\nu \ll \eta$. In this sense,

Domination of functions implies absolute continuity of the induced measures.

Of course, the converse is wildly false. For example, the measures induced by $f=2$ and $g=1$ are absolutely continuous with respect to each other, whereas $f$ dominates $g$ (and not conversely).

I suppose you could use the Radon-Nikodym theorem to further analyze this situation.