[Math] Definition of 2-factorable Graph Theory

graph theory

I would appreciate a simpler explanation of the following info

I am confused on what the definition of 2-factor is. It sounds like a perfect matching to me, but that's not what this paper is saying

Best Answer

Ordinarily... a $k$-factor is a $k$-regular spanning subgraph. Thus

  • A $1$-factor is a perfect matching.

  • A $2$-factor will be a spanning subgraph which is a union of disjoint cycles.

This is the ordinary definition used in, say, Petersen's $2$-factor Theorem.

So here's an example of a graph with a $2$-factor highlighted as colored cycles:

enter image description here

A $k$-factorization is a decomposition into $k$-factors. A graph is $k$-factorable if it admits a $k$-factorization.

The above graph isn't $2$-factorable because it has vertices of odd degree.

Judging from the (now deleted) definition, the author:

  1. includes isolated edges as $2$-cycles, and

  2. defines a graph as "$2$-factorable" if there exists a $2$-factor for which after contracting the cycles, we obtain another graph with a $2$-factor.

According to this definition, a $1$-factor (perfect matching) would also be a $2$-factor. And the above graph would be $2$-factorable.

I've never seen this definition before.