[Math] Definition for “relatively sequentially compact”


A topological space $X$ is sequentially compact if every sequence in $X$ has a convergent subsequence.

Let $X$ be a topological space and $A \subseteq X$.
I've seen two definitions for $A$ to be relatively sequentially compact in $X$:

  1. the closure $\overline{A}$ of $A$ in $X$ is sequentially compact, which means that every sequence in $\overline{A}$ has a convergent subsequence (with limit in $\overline{A}$).
  2. every sequence in $A$ has a convergent subsequence with limit in $\overline{A}$.

Clearly, 1 => 2.

Are these definitions equivalent? (I don't see how to reduce the sequence in $\overline{A}$ to a sequence in $A$, so it seems that they are not equivalent unless $X$ is something like a Fréchet-Urysohn in which points in the closure $\overline{A}$ can be approximated by a sequence in $A$. Then we could try to perform a diagonal argument.) If they are not equivalent, what is the right definition for abstract topological spaces $X$?

Best Answer

There may be contexts where the first definition is appropriate, but it does seem somewhat pathological in that a sequentially compact subspace may not be relatively sequentially compact. In this respect it differs from the second definition.

For example, take the Tychonoff plank $X = ([0, \omega_1] \times [0, \omega]) \setminus (\omega_1, \omega)$ and the subspace $A = [0, \omega_1) \times [0, \omega]$. Then $A$ is sequentially compact, since any sequence is confined to a subspace $[0, \alpha] \times [0, \omega]$ with $\alpha < \omega_1$, which is compact and first countable. On the other hand $\overline{A} = X$, which is not sequentially compact since $\{ (\omega_1, n) \}_{n=0}^\infty$ has no cluster point.

To decide which is the most useful definition would probably involve looking at a large number of applications, which I don't have available. I could even imagine some use for a definition $1\frac12$: a subspace $A$ of a topological space $X$ is relatively sequentially compact if there is a sequentially compact $B \subset X$ such that $A \subset B$. This is strictly weaker than definition 1 and stronger than definition 2, although I don't know if it is strictly stronger than definition 2.