[Math] Defining the normalizer, showing its a subgroup and $|H| = |G:N_G(H)|$


"Let G be a finite group. For a subgroup $H \subset G$ defing the normalizer $N_G(H) \subset G$. Show that the normalizer is a subgroup, that $H \unlhd N_G(H)$ and that the number of subgroups $H'$ conjugate to $H$ in $G$ is equal to the index of $|G:N_G(H)|$ of the normalizer".

For the normalizer, I have the definition as the biggest subgroup $\supset H$, such that$H \unlhd$ in it: $H \unlhd N_G(H)$. What does this exactly mean though? Is it basically the biggest normal subgroup in G?

Also, I don't understand how I would show the other stuff.

Best Answer

Make the group $\,G\,$ act on the set $\,X:=\{K\;\;;\;\ K\leq G\}\,$ by conjugation. Thus, by the orbit-stabilizer theorem:

$$|\mathcal Orb(H)|=[G:Stab(H)]$$

but $\,\mathcal Orb(H)\,$ is just the set of all subgroups of $\,G\,$ conjugate to $\,H\,$ , and $\,Stab(H)\,$ is just $\,N_G(H)\,$, so...

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