[Math] Dedekind Cut additive inverse

real numbersreal-analysis

Let $\alpha$ be Dedekind cut and define $\alpha^* :=\{x\in\mathbb{Q}|\exists r>0\space \text{such that} -x-r\notin\alpha\}$. I need to show that $\alpha^*$ is a Dedkind Cut and the additive inverse of $\alpha$. Note the the additive identity is defined as $0^*:=\{x\in\mathbb{Q}|x<0\}$. Any help is greatly apprecyed and needed. Thanks in advance

For the 1st part I can show that $\alpha^*$ is downwardly closed as if $y\in\mathbb{Q}$ and $x\in\alpha^*$ with $y<x$ then for some $r>0$, $-x-r>a$, $\forall a\in \alpha$, but as $-y>-x$, we have $-y-r>-x-r>a$ $\forall a \in\alpha $ i.e. $-y-r\notin \alpha$ so $y\in\alpha^*$. But I am stuck showing that $\alpha^*$ has no top element and that $\alpha^*\neq\emptyset$ and $\alpha^*\neq\mathbb{Q}$, so any help please.

For the second part I can show that $\alpha+\alpha^*\subset 0^*$ as if $w\in\alpha+\alpha^*$ then $w=u+v$ where $u\in\alpha$ & $v\in\alpha^*$. Therefore for some (rational) $s>0$

$-v-s>u$ that is $u+v<-s<0$. But I am stuck with the reverse inclusion. So please any help will be greatly appreciated and please let me know if what I've done is correct and on the right track. Thanks

Best Answer

Well, for the first, suppose that $x_0\in\alpha^*.$ Then by definition, there is some rational $r>0$ such that $-x_0-r\notin\alpha.$ But then $\frac r2$ is also a positive rational, and $x_1=x_0+\frac r2$ is rational and greater than $x_0,$ and $-x_1-\frac r2=-x_0-r\notin\alpha.$ Thus, for any $x\in\alpha^*,$ we can find a $y\in\alpha^*$ with $x<y$.

For the second, we will need the following result:

Lemma: Given a Dedekind cut $\alpha$ and any $r\in\Bbb Q$ with $r>0,$ there exist $a,b\in\Bbb Q$ with $a\in\alpha$ and $b$ a non-least element of $\Bbb Q\setminus\alpha$ such that $0<b-a<r$.

To prove this we let $z_0$ be the least element of $\Bbb Q\setminus\alpha$--if there is such an element. We define a function $m:\Bbb Q\times\Bbb Q\to\Bbb Q$ by $$m(x,y)=\frac{x+y}2,$$ we fix any $a_0\in\alpha,$ and any non-least $b_0\in\Bbb Q\setminus\alpha.$ Then we define sequences $\langle a_n\rangle_{n=0}^\infty$ and $\langle b_n\rangle_{n=0}^\infty$ recursively as follows:

(1) If $m(a_n,b_n)=z_0$ for some $n,$ then for all integers $k\ge n$ we let $a_{k+1}=m(a_k,z_0)$ and $b_{k+1}=m(z_0,b_k).$

(2) If $m(a_n,b_n)\in\alpha,$ let $a_{n+1}=m(a_n,b_n)$ and let $b_{n+1}=b_n.$

(3) If $m(a_n,b_n)$ is a non-least element of $\Bbb Q\setminus\alpha,$ then let $a_{n+1}=a_n$ and $b_{n+1}=m(a_n,b_n).$

It can be shown that $m$ is well-defined, that $\langle a_n\rangle_{n=0}^\infty$ is a well-defined sequence of elements of $\alpha,$ that $\langle b_n\rangle_{n=0}^\infty$ is a well-defined sequence of non-least elements of $\Bbb Q\setminus\alpha,$ and that for all integers $n\ge 0$ we have $$0<b_0-a_0=2^n\cdot(b_n-a_n).$$ By the Archimedean Property of the rationals, there exists some positive integer $n$ such that $n\cdot r>b_0-a_0,$ so since $2^n>n>0,$ we have $$2^n\cdot r>n\cdot r>b_0-a_0=2^n\cdot(b_n-a_n)>0,$$ whence $$0<b_n-a_n<r,$$ as desired.

I leave the details to you (unless, of course, you already have that result). Now, to show that $0^*\subseteq\alpha+\alpha^*,$ take any $q\in0^*,$ and put $r=-q,$ so $r\in\Bbb Q$ and $r>0.$ By the Lemma, there exist some $a\in\alpha$ and some non-least $b\in\Bbb Q\setminus\alpha$ such that $0<b-a<r.$ Then $q=-r<a-b=a+-b.$ It remains only to show that $-b\in\alpha^*,$ which again I leave to you.

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