Matrices – How to Decompose to Rotation Around Arbitrary Axis


In 3d, I have a $4\times4$ matrix $M$, which has only a rotation part and a translation part. In other words, I can compute $X'=RX+T$ ( with $R$ a $3\times3$ rotation matrix, $T$ a vector for the translation, $X$ a point and $X'$ its image).

  1. Can I write the $4\times4$ matrix $M$ as a rotation around an arbitrary axis (not necessarily through origin)? I would write it as $X'=R(X-X_a)+X_a$ with $X_a$ a point on the axis, and $R$ the same rotation matrix.
  2. If yes, I would like to get one point $X_a$, i.e. a point on the axis. My first thought was to solve the system $RX_a+T=X_a$. It's a singular system because we look for an axis. So I set $z=0$ and solve for $x$ and $y$ to get one point. Is there a mistake somewhere?
  3. I thought about another way to get this axis, but I don't understand why it does not work. I take two random points, $X_1$ and $X_2$ and compute their image $X_1'$ and $X_2'$ by $M$. I assume the axis is on the plane perpendicular to $X_1X_1'$ through the middle of $X_1X_1'$. Indeed, $X_1$ would be at the same distance to the axis than $X_1'$. I assume this also for $X_2X_2'$. So I get the axis with the intersection between both planes. What is wrong in this approach?

Thanks for helping

Best Answer

A rotation about an arbitrary line $\mathbf u+t\mathbf v$ in $\mathbb R^3$ can be decomposed into a translation to the line, a rotation about an axis through the origin, and a translation back. In homogeneous coordinates, this can be represented by the $4\times4$ matrix $$M=\left[\begin{array}{c|c}I&\mathbf u\\\hline 0&1\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c|c}R_{\mathbf v,\theta}&0\\\hline 0&1\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c|c}I&-\mathbf u\\\hline 0&1\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c|c}R_{\mathbf v,\theta}&(I-R_{\mathbf v,\theta})\mathbf u\\\hline 0&1\end{array}\right].$$ It’s clear from inspection that this is equivalent to a rotation about a parallel axis that goes through the origin followed by a translation. You have a matrix of the form $$\left[\begin{array}{c|c}R_{\mathbf v,\theta}&\mathbf w\\\hline 0&1\end{array}\right]\tag{*}$$ so recovering the axis of rotation is simply a matter of solving $(I-R_{\mathbf v,\theta})\mathbf u=\mathbf w$ for $\mathbf u$. Unless $\theta$ is an integer multiple of $2\pi$, the matrix $I-R_{\mathbf v,\theta}$ has rank 2, so the solution set—if it exists—will be a line. Note that this equation’s having a solution is a necessary condition for a matrix of the form (*) to represent a rotation. Also, $(I-R_{\mathbf v,\theta})\mathbf u$ is the difference between $\mathbf u$ and its image under $R_{\mathbf v,\theta}$ and so is orthogonal to $\mathbf v$. This gives us another necessary condition: $\mathbf v\cdot\mathbf w=0$.

You can also work directly with the $4\times4$ matrix $M$: $1$ is an eigenvalue and $M$ is the identity on its eigenspace. For most angles $\ker(I-M)$ will be two-dimensional, and so correspond to a line in $\mathbb R^3$. If you use the usual method of row-reduction to find a basis for the kernel, one of the resulting vectors will have $0$ for its last coordinate—it’s a point at infinity. You can take the first three coordinates of this vector as the direction vector $\mathbf v$, while the other vector in the kernel basis can be taken as the fixed vector $\mathbf u$.

The rotation angle can be recovered from either the full matrix $M$ via $\operatorname{tr}M=2+2\cos\theta$, or from the submatrix $R$ via $\operatorname{tr}R=1+2\cos\theta$. These identities come from the facts that the trace of a matrix is equal to the sum of its eigenvalues (with the appropriate number of repetitions), and that the eigenvalues of these matrices are $1$, $e^{i\theta}$ and $e^{-i\theta}$.

Addition: Your idea of using two points and their images to define a pair of planes that intersect along the axis of rotation is sound. It seems like a lot more work than recovering it directly from the matrix to me, though.

As an example, let $\mathbf u=(1,0,-3)^T$, $\mathbf v=(1,-1,-1)^T$ and $\theta = \pi/6$. The rotation submatrix is easily obtained via Rodrigues’ formula and other methods. After multiplying everything out, the resulting matrix is $$M=\begin{bmatrix} {1+\sqrt3\over3}&{-1+\sqrt3\over3}&-\frac13&{-1-\sqrt3\over3} \\ -\frac13&{1+\sqrt3\over3}&{1-\sqrt3\over3}&{4-3\sqrt3\over3} \\ {-1+\sqrt3\over3}&\frac13&{1+\sqrt3\over3}&{-5+2\sqrt3\over3} \\ 0&0&0&1\end{bmatrix}.$$ $\operatorname{tr}M=2+\sqrt3$, so $\cos\theta=\frac{\sqrt3}2$ and so $\theta=\frac\pi6$. Row-reducing $I-M$ produces $$\begin{bmatrix}1&0&1&2\\0&1&-1&-3\\0&0&0&0\\0&0&0&0\end{bmatrix}$$ from which we can read that the rotation axis is $t(-1,1,1)^T+(-2,3,0)^T=(-(t+2),t+3,t)^T$. Setting $t=-3$ gives us the original vector $\mathbf u$. Similarly, row-reducing $\left[\begin{array}{c|c}I-R&\mathbf w\end{array}\right]$ produces $$\left[\begin{array}{ccc|c}1&0&1&-2\\0&1&-1&3\\0&0&0&0\end{array}\right]$$ from which we can see that $\mathbf u=(-(z+2),z+3,z)^T$ as before.

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