[Math] Deal combinations in solitaire game ‘Klondike’


It seems that the solitaire card game 'klondike' presents some head scatching when trying to work out odds for winnable games etc, but I would image a 'simpler' question is 'how many different deal combinations are there in the 'Klondike' card game?

Best Answer

Assuing that you're referring to the standard version of the game as described at Wikipedia, and that the order of the cards in the deck is part of what distinguishes deals, the answer is $52!$, the number of different permutations of $52$ cards. If you disregard the order of the cards in the deck and are only interested in the different ways of dealing the $28$ cards on the table, the answer is $\displaystyle\frac{52!}{(52-28)!}$: There are $52$ choices for the first card to deal, $51$ for the next one, ..., and $52-27$ for the last one.

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