[Math] cyclic groups homomorphism


I have the following task:
"Determine the homomorphism between two cyclic groups. Which are injective, surjective or bijective?"
I already found this for the cyclic group of integers: http://users.math.yale.edu/~auel/courses/370f06/docs/solutions3.pdf page 2, 4.4.
But what about the cyclic groups of Integers modulo n?

Best Answer

We can suppose the cyclic groups are $\mathbf Z/m\mathbf Z$ and $\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z$ respectively. A homomorphism from the first to the second is determined by the choice of the image $\bar x$ of $\bar 1$, subject to the condition $m \bar x=0$, i.e. $$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\Hom(\mathbf Z/m\mathbf Z,\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z) ≃ \operatorname{Ann}_{\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z}(m).$$ Let $d=\gcd(m,n)$, $m'=\dfrac md$, $n'=\dfrac nd$. Since $m'$ and $n'$ are coprime, $$\operatorname{Ann}_{\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z}(m)=n'\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z ≃ \mathbf Z/d\mathbf Z.$$ Furthermore,

  • the surjectivity of such a homomorphism means its image, which is contained in $n'\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z$, is equal to $\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z$ . This can happen only if $n'=1$, i.e. $n∣m$.
  • If $\gcd(m,n)=1$, the only homomorphism is the zero homomorphism.
  • Injectivity means the image of the homomorphism is isomorphic to $\mathbf Z/m\mathbf Z$. Hence, by Lagrange’s theorem, $ m $ has to be a divisor of $ n $. We’ll suppose this is indeed the case. Then the image $ \bar x $ of $\bar 1$ in $ \mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z $ has to be or order $ m $. As the order of $ \bar x$ is $ \dfrac n{\gcd(n, x)} $, this means $ \gcd(n, x) = \dfrac nm$.
  • Finally, if a homomorphism is an isomorphism, the above considerations show it implies $ m = n $. The image of $\bar 1 $ is another generator of $\mathbf Z/m\mathbf Z$, i. e. an element $\bar x,\; x < m$, coprime to $ m $.
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