[Math] Cyclic Decompositions and the Rational form

linear algebra

Given $T$ be a linear operator on the the finite dimensional space $V$, let $R$ be the range of $T$. Then, I have to show that

(a) $R$ has a complementary $T$-invariant subspace if and only if $R$ is independent of the null space $N$ of $T$.

(b) If $R$ and $N$ are independent, I need to prove that $N$ is the unique $T$-invariant subspace complementary to $R$.

Please suggest how to proceed.

I supposed $R$ has a complementary $T$-invariant subspace, say, $W$. Then $R$ should be $T$-admissible. I assumed to the contrary, that $R$ intersection $T$ is not equal to $\{\mathbf{0}\}$. I took a point in the intersection but could not proceed further. Please suggest what to do.

Best Answer

(a) If $R\cap N =\{\mathbf{0}\}$, then you should be able to use the Rank-Nullity Theorem to show that $R+N=V$, and you are done.

Conversely, if there exists $W$ such that $R\cap W=\{\mathbf{0}\}$, $R+W=V$, and $W$ is $T$-invariant, what can you say about $T(\mathbf{w})$ for any $\mathbf{w}\in W$? It is certainly in $W$... is it in $R$ as well?

(b) As above, suppose that $R+W=V$, with $R\cap W=\{\mathbf{0}\}$ and $T(W)\subseteq W$. Show that $W\subseteq N$ and conclude, for example, using dimension, that $W=N$.

P.S. This has nothing to do with the rational canonical form, nor with cyclic decompositions.

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