Algebra – Cubic Equations with Exactly One Real Root


Question is to check :

For any real number $c$, the polynomial $x^3+x+c$ has exactly one real root .

the way in which i have proceeded is :

let $a$ be one real root for $x^3+x+c$ i.e., we have $a^3+a+c=0$

i have seen that $(x-a)(x^2+ax+(a^2+1))=x^3+x-a^3-a$

But, $a^3+a+c=0$. So, $-a^3-a=c$.

so, $(x-a)(x^2+ax+(a^2+1))=x^3+x-a^3-a=x^3+x+c$

i.e, $(x-a)(x^2+ax+(a^2+1))=x^3+x+c$

Now, determinant for quadratic $x^2+ax+(a^2+1)$ is $a^2-4(a^2+1)=-3a^2-4 <0$ for any real number $a$

Thus, quadratic has no real root and so is the cubic $x^3+x+c$

I would like to know if this justification is sufficient and if this can be generalized.

I mean, can i say $x^3+ax^2+bx+c$ for $a,b,c\in \mathbb{Z}$ have exactly one real root. (Conditions apply)

can this be generalized to any odd degree polynomial (at least for some special cases)

Best Answer

You essentially split off the linear factor belnging to a real root and showed per determinant that the remaining quadratic has no real root. This is fine but does not readily generalize to higher degrees. Instead, it is probably easier to show that $f$ is injective: Assume $a,b$ are two real roots, i.e. $f(a)=f(b)=0$. Then by Rolle, there exists $\xi$ between $a$ and $b$ (including the case $a=\xi=b$ if you also want to show that no multiple root - $a=b$ - exists) with $f'(\xi)=0$. But for $f(x)=x^3+x$ we have $f'(x)=3x^2+1\ge1$ for all $x$.