[Math] Crossing the River Story Problem


A group of adults and children go on a camping trip. On the first day, they come to a river too deep to wade across. They find a small canoe which can carry either one adult or up to two children at a time. The canoe cannot hold one adult and one child at the same time. They only have this one canoe to transport the entire group across the river.

Recall from HoM#3 that when there were A adults, where A is some number, and 2 kids that it took 4A+1 one-way trips to get everyone across the river.

  1. What if there are A adults and 3 kids?
  2. What if there are A adults and 4 kids?
  3. What if there are A adults and an unknown number or kids on the trip? Can you come up with a formula for the fewest number of one-way trips it will take them to get across the river?

Best Answer

Note first that it never makes sense to have an adult return the canoe because that just undoes a trip, so whenever you send anyone across, there has to be a kid available on the far side to return the canoe. Note, too, that the last trip must be made by two kids: whoever brought the canoe back for the last adult has to stay on the starting side while that adult crosses.

So, it takes four trips for each adult that crosses: two to deposit a kid on the far side and bring the canoe back, and another two for the adult to cross and the waiting kid to return the canoe. Once all of the adults are across, it takes one round trip for each kid except the last two to cross. Thus, the minimum number of trips is $4A+2(K-2)+1$.

Finally, note that there must be at least two kids present in order to get everyone across the river.

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