[Math] Creating surjective holomorphic map from unit disc to $\mathbb{C}$


I'm trying to formulate a surjective holomorphic map from the unit disc ($\mathbb{D}$) to $\mathbb{C}$. I know that there exists $f: \mathbb{D} \rightarrow \mathbb{H}$, which is a biholomorphism from the unit disc to the upper half plane.

I know that I can define $g(z) = z -i$ to shift the upper half plane down by 1 unit, then I can define $h(z) = z^2$ to square the result.

Then, $h \circ g \circ f$ is a holomorphic function $\mathbb{U} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$. My question is: how does $h(z)$, (i.e. squaring the result of the shifted upper half plane), extend the image to the entire lower half plane?

enter image description here

Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I'm not seeing how $\mathbb{C}$ is hit in its entirety.

Best Answer

You know that $h \colon ℂ → ℂ$ is surjective (by the fundamental theorem of algebra or using polar coordinates).

For any $w ∈ ℂ$, if $z^2 = w$, then $(-z)^2 = w$. Then $\Im (-z) = - \Im (z)$, so one of $z, -z$ is in $\mathbb H$, if not in $ℝ$. Therefore $h \colon \mathbb H - \mathrm i → ℂ$ is surjective as well.

And $g ∘ f \colon \mathbb D → \mathbb H-i$ is obviously surjective, as you said.