[Math] Creating a polynomial function with no x-intercept

data analysismachine learningpolynomialsstatistics

I have an understanding of polynomials and how to create a function based on the leading coefficient, degrees, x-intercepts, etc. My question is how do i go about creating a polynomial function that has no x-intercepts? I am trying to fit a polynomial function to a set of data points(thousands) on a graph. None of the data points are anywhere near the x-axis.

Best Answer

For one, if you examine the asymptotic behavior of a generic polynomial as $x \rightarrow -\infty$ and $x \rightarrow \infty$, you can see that a necessary condition for the polynomial to have no $x$-intercepts is that the degree of the polynomial must be even. (I can also explain why this must be the case with an algebraic rather than an analytic argument if you'd prefer).

Beyond that, you can prevent any even-degree polynomial from having any $x$-intercepts by making the constant term sufficiently large. I.e. by having a sufficiently large $c_0$ when the polynomial is expressed as $f(x) = c_nx^n + c_{n-1}x^{n-1} + \cdots + c_1x + c_0$ where the $c_k$'s are constants. Note that adding or subtracting from $c_0$ shifts the polynomial vertically up and down.