[Math] Creating a composite function that is injective with an injective and a non-injective part


Find an example of functions $f:A\to B$ and $g:B\to C$ such that $f$
and $g\circ f$ are both injective, but $g$ is not injective.

So If I understand this correctly,

  1. Need a function $f$ that is injective and that will also make $g$ injective when plugged in during $g\circ f$.
  2. Need a function $g$ that is not injective on its own
  3. The range of $f$ must be a subset of the domain of $g$

I tried thinking along the lines of using variations of $f(x)=x$ and $g(x)=x^2$ but all those leave my composite function as non injective

I've also been using $x\in\Bbb R$ so as to keep the range of $f$ and domain of $g$ the same.

Any suggestions of where to go with this? Thank you

Thank you everyone the answers were very helpful in understanding the problem and concepts better

Best Answer

Hint. Let's take $g:{\Bbb R}\to{\Bbb R}$ with $g(x)=x^2$ as you suggested - a good, simple, well-known function which is not one-to-one. Suppose we want $f:{\Bbb R}\to{\Bbb R}$ also.

To say $g\circ f$ is one-to-one means: if you know the value of $g(f(x))$ then you know the value of $x$ - that is, know it for sure, with only one possibility. So, suppose the value of $g(f(x))$ is given. We have $$g(f(x))=(f(x))^2\ ;$$ a good way to proceed from here would be [1] find the value of $f(x)$, then [2] find the value of $x$. Step [2] is easy as $f$ is supposed to be one-to-one. The problem is that step [1] would usually give you two values of $f(x)$.

But now suppose, for example, that $f(x)$ is always positive. Then step [1] gives a definite value of $f(x)$ and all is OK.

So - can you think of a (well known) one-to-one function $f:{\Bbb R}\to{\Bbb R}$ for which $f(x)$ is always a positive number?

Hope this doesn't sound too long-winded but I am hoping to illustrate how you can think about this kind of problem.

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