[Math] CRC computation

coding-theorycomputer sciencenumber theory

I would like to understand the CRC computation using CCITT CRC-16 $x^{16} + x^{12} +x^{5} +1$. I was able to successfully implement it in a program but I would like to understand the computation behind it. I was not succesful in the paper-n-pen technique. Is the CRC computation with CRC-16 different.

Any useful hints in this direction.

P.S : I am not keen on the program or the shift register implementation but the traditional way of computing CRC with polynomials or binary sequence using binary division technique.

Thanks for reading

Best Answer

A CRC computation is as follows. You have a data polynomial $d(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} d_ix^i$ where the $d_i \in \{0, 1\}$ are $n$ bits to be transmitted (or recorded). What is actually transmitted (or recorded) is $$t(x) = x^{16}d(x) + p(x)$$ where $p(x)$ is the ${\textit remainder~polynomial}$ when $x^{16}d(x)$ is divided by the CRC polynomial $C(x) = x^{16} + x^{12} + x^5 + 1$. Note that polynomial division yields $$ x^{16}d(x) = q(x)C(x) + p(x) $$ where the quotient $q(x)$ is discarded. But the above equation can be re-arranged as $$ q(x)C(x) = x^{16}d(x) - p(x) = x^{16}d(x) + p(x) = t(x) $$ (because arithmetic on the polynomial coefficients is done modulo $2$ and subtraction is thus the same as addition), and thus $t(x)$ is a multiple of the CRC polynomial $C(x)$. Since $p(x)$ is of degree $15$ or less, the high-order coefficients of the polynomial $t(x)$ are the data bits while the low-order coefficients are the so-called CRC bits or parity bits, that is $$ t(x) = d_{n-1}x^{n-1 + 16} + d_{n-2}x^{n-2+16} + \cdots d_0x^{16} + p_{15}x^{15} + p_{14}x^{14} + \cdots + p_0. $$

In computing $p(x)$ via polynomial long division using paper and pencil, you need to remember that

(i) $\quad \quad$ $d(x)$ is multiplied by $x^{16}$ before beginning the long division

(ii) $\quad \quad$ the subtractions of polynomial coefficients that occur in the long division process are all done modulo $2$ and thus are the same as additions modulo $2$ (that is, the XOR operation)

(iii) $\quad \quad$ the long division continues till $x^{16}d_0$ is processed and the remainder is a polynomial of degree $15$ or less.

Practical CRC systems often have bells-and-whistles (such as the high-order bits $8$ bits in $x^{16}d(x)$ are complemented before the division process begins etc.) which I have not included above because these are likely not of interest in this forum. However, ignoring such details in your paper-and-pencil computations will make your results differ from the ones your machine is giving you.

At the receiving (or reading) end, what you have is a polynomial $r(x)$ which might be $\textit slightly$ different from $t(x)$ if transmission (or read) errors changed some of the bits. The CRC error detection process merely divides $r(x)$ by $C(x)$; no need to multiply $r(x)$ by $x^{16}$ first. If the remainder is nonzero, then $r(x)$ is $\textit not$ a multiple of $C(x)$ and so the receiver knows that transmission (or read) errors have occurred. But if the remainder is $0$, then $r(x)$ is a multiple of $C(x)$, and with high probability, is the same as $t(x)$. The low-order $16$ bits in $r(x)$ are discarded and the high-order $n$ bits are accepted as error-free data. When the remainder is $0$, there is a small probability that the difference between $r(x)$ and $t(x)$ is a multiple of $C(x)$. Such errors are referred to as undetected errors. The probability of undetected error decreases as the degree of $C(x)$ increases. For this reason, many modern systems use CRC polynomials of degree 32.

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