Algebraic Topology – Covering Space of a Non-Orientable Surface


I have the following problem:

Find the 2-sheeted (orientable) cover of the non-orientable surface of genus g.

The cases $g=1,2$ are well-known, we have that the cover of $\mathbb{R}P^2$ is $S^2$
and the Klein bottle is covered by the torus.
My intuition is that the answer is going to be the orientable surface of genus $g-1$ or the $g-1$ torus, and I tried to work with the representation of the non-orientable surface as a $2g$-gon determined by the word $a_1a_1a_2a_2\dots a_g a_g$… where $a_i$ are the vertices.
Any hints?

Best Answer

Since Euler characteristic is multiplicative with respect to (finite sheeted) coverings, we see the orientable double cover must have twice the Euler characteristic. This already pins down the homeomorphism type of the cover.

To see it more explicitly, consider the usual embedding of an orientable surface into $\mathbb{R}^3$ (as a long chain-like shape). This embedding can be translated/rotated around so that the reflections in all 3 coordinate planes maps the surface to itself.

With this embedding, there is a $\mathbb{Z}/2$ action on $\mathbb{R}^3$ given by the antipodal map $x \mapsto -x$. This action preserves the embedded surface and acts freely on it so the quotient is a manifold. Since the antipodal map is orientation reversing, the quotient is nonorientable.