[Math] Covering map of a Torus


How would I draw (describe) a covering map given by

  1. $T^{2}\#T^{2}\#T^{2}\#T^{2}\#T^{2}\#T^{2}\ \rightarrow T^{2}\#T^{2}$
  2. $T^{2}\#T^{2}\#T^{2}\#T^{2}\rightarrow T^{2}\#T^{2}$

and what would be the degree of this covering? I know the surfaces are orientable of genus $g$ and can be constructed from a polygon with $4g$ sides, and they become a union of $2g$ circles in the surface, so I guess that union would be a covering map and its degree would be the $g$.

Could somebody help with it?

Best Answer

Imagine a closed chain of tori (that is, torus $i$ is connected-summed to tori $i+1$ and $i-1$ mod $2k.$) That is a (cyclic) $k$-fold cover of a double torus (surface of genus $2.$).