[Math] Covering a chess board with $2$ missing places with $31$ dominoes


I am reading a book that is intended to a wide audience (and not just
mathematicians etc'), the book is, of course, about mathematics (Its
still not clear about what exactly, I am only in page $2$).

The author gives the following riddle:

Take an $8\times8$ bored, and remove the bottom right piece and the
upper left one, can you cover it with $31$ dominoes ?

The answer is given – it is no. The author explains that if we were
to paint the board as a chess board then the removed pieces are of
the same color, but since each domino will cover exactly one black
piece and one white piece then we can't cover the $30$ white pieces
and $32$ black pieces.

Then the author poses an exercise:

Prove that this can be done if the removed pieces are of different

I don't know how to start with this, I can look at a given board and
try to cover it, but I can't give a methodology or a proof for this.

Can someone please hint me in the right direction ?

Best Answer

Draw a hamiltonian cycle on the chessboard. Any cycle will do, and the following one suffices:

chessboard with hamiltonian cycle

Pick (any) one square and call it $s_0$. Number the following squares in the hamiltonian cycle $s_1, s_2,\ldots s_{63}$:

chessboard with numbered squares

Note that the even $s_i$ are all one color (say pink) and the odd $s_i$ are the other color (say brown). So far this is all very easy.

Now suppose two squares of the opposite colors have been deleted; for example:

chessboard with two squares deleted

The cycle has been cut into two paths, both of which have even length. Such a path is easily covered with dominoes: say one path is $s_k, s_{k+1}, \ldots, s_{k+2j+1}$, where the subscripts are understood mod 64. Then the dominoes easily go onto $(s_k, s_{k+1}), (s_{k+2}, s_{k+3}), \ldots (s_{k+2j}, s_{k+2j+1})$. Similarly the other path is tiled by $(s_{k+2j+3}, s_{k+2j+4}), \ldots, (s_{k-3}, s_{k-2})$.

chessboard tiled with dominoes

This theorem and the proof I have given appear on pages 111–112 of Solomon W. Golomb Polyominoes (revised ed.), Princeton University Press, 1994. The proof is attributed to Ralph Gomory.