Geometry – How to Cover a Disk with Thin Rectangles


Let $D$ be a disc of diameter 20, and suppose you are given 19 rectangles, each of which is $1 \times 20$. Can $D$ be covered completely by the rectangles? Note that the rectangles can be arranged "any which-way" for the covering.

Note: this was a popular poser in my grad student days; some of us came up with an answer, but had a hard time nailing down the proof. I'd like to hear from anyone with a good approach, or even a good reference, to this question.

Added note: the rectangles are not to be cut up. And the question may be posed differently in terms of 19 width 1 "strips", each infinitely long (i.e. copies of $[0,1] \times R$). In this form the question becomes: Can we cover the diameter-20 disk using 19 of these width 1 strips? [If one could cover via strips, then each strip could be trimmed to a 1X20 rectangle without uncovering any covered points in the disk.]

Best Answer

I remember that problem from university! (But I didn't solve it, somebody gave me a big clue)

The answer is that it is impossible, you can't cover the circle of diameter 20 using only 19 strips $1\times 20$.

To see why, suppose you have such cover and imagine a sphere of diameter 20 cut in half by our circle. Find the orthogonal projection of each strip on the sphere, it is a ring, and it is easy to compute it's area $2\pi R x$, where $R$ is the radius of the sphere and $x$ the width of the strip.

But between all the rings, they cover the whole sphere so the total area must be at least $4\pi R^2$, so $$ N \times 2 \pi R x \ge 4 \pi R^2 $$ where $N$ is the number of strips. Letting $N=19, R=10$ and $x=1$ we obtain a contradiction.