Linear Algebra – Covectors and Vectors

linear algebravector-spaces

I have a general question about vector/covectors:

Background. A vector (for our purposes) is a physical object in each basis of $\mathbb{R}^3$ represented by three numbers such that these numbers obey certain transformation rules when we change the basis. Let $\textbf{x}$ be an arbitrary vector and $\textbf{e}_1, \textbf{e}_2, \textbf{e}_3$ and $\tilde{\textbf{e}}_1, \tilde{\textbf{e}}_2, \tilde{\textbf{e}}_3$ be two bases. These transformation/inverse transformation rules are the following:

$$\tilde{x}^{j} = \sum_{j=1}^{3} T_{i}^{j} x^i$$ and $$x^{j} = \sum_{i=1}^{3} S_{i}^{j} \tilde{x}^i$$

Question. Vectors satisfy the above properties. Now if I imagine some other set of objects that satisfy the above properties why do we call them covectors? What are covectors and how are they different from vectors if they satisfy the same properties?

Best Answer

Given a vector space $V$, there is a "dual" space $V^*$ which consists of linear functions $V\to \mathbb{F}$ (where $\mathbb{F}$ is the underlying field). Given $v\in V, \phi \in V^*$, we can plug in to get a number $\phi(v)$.

Because of linearity, $V^*$ is actually a vector space. If $V$ is finite dimensional, then $V^*$ has the same dimension. One way to see this is, if we fix a basis $e_1, \ldots e_n \in V$, we have a basis $\phi_i, \ldots, \phi_n \in V^*$ defined by $\phi_i(e_j)=\delta_{ij}$, which is $1$ when $i=j$ and $0$ otherwise.

Of course, this isomorphism requires choosing a basis, and in general, there is no "natural" choice of isomorphism. Additionally, when $V$ is infinite dimensional, $V$ and $V^*$ will not be isomorphic.

So if we are just doing basic linear algebra, there is no real difference between vectors and covectors. There are some constructions that might seem to require a choice of basis if you don't use covectors (like taking the transpose of a matrix), but they are not fundamentally different kinds of objects. However, if we want to work geometrically, we can see a difference.

Given a manifold $M$, and a point $p\in M$, we have a vector space $T_pM$ of the tangent vectors to $M$ at $p$. For example, if you take the hollow sphere sitting inside $R^3$, you can look at the plane that sits tangent to a point, and turn it into a vector space. These tangent vectors act on functions by taking the directional derivative of a function at a point. If you take a tangent covector, it no longer acts on functions, it just acts on vectors. Geometrically speaking, it is a fundamentally different kind of object. By taking a tangent vector at every point, you get something called a vector field, but taking a covector at every point you get something called a differential form. They are both useful notions, but they are used in fundamentally different ways.

Of course, once you get the general notion of a vector bundle (essentially, a way of smoothly putting a vector space at every point of a manifold), you can see that tangent vectors and tangent covectors are just dual vector bundles, and in the absence of certain geometric constructions can be treated very similarly.

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