[Math] Covariant derivative (or connection) of and along a curve


Let $c:[a,b] \rightarrow M$ be a curve parametrized by arc-length.

Then $c': [a,b] \rightarrow TM$ such that $c'(t) \in T_{c(t)}(M).$

So essentially, I want to understand how $\nabla_{c'}c'$ is defined then in coordinates.

Cause normally, we are dealing with vector fields $X : M \rightarrow TM$ when we talk about the covariant derivative or connection.

In this case, we have for $X,Y: M \rightarrow TM$ that $X= \sum_{i} \eta^i \partial_i$ and $Y = \sum_{i} \zeta^i \partial_i$

In this case,

$$\nabla_YX = \sum_{i,j,k} \zeta^i( \eta^j \Gamma_{i,j}^k \partial_k + \partial_i \eta^j \partial_j)$$

and everything is well-defined.

The problem occurs, cause $c' : [a,b] \rightarrow TM$ so there is no way we can take a partial derivative in some coordinate direction of $c',$
as it just depends on time. Is there still a way to explain how $\nabla_c'c'$ is for example defined, although $c'$ is not really a vector field?

Best Answer

HINT: Write $c'(t) = \sum\limits_i a^i(t)\partial_i\big|_{c(t)}$. Then recall that for any vector field $X$ we can compute $\nabla_{c'}X = \dfrac D{dt}(X\circ c)(t)$.