[Math] Covariant derivative geometric interpretation


I'm having some trouble understanding what the covariant derivative means geometrically. I know the definition which states that for a tensor T with any number of indices: $ \nabla_j T = \frac{\partial T}{\partial Z^k} + $ the Christoffel symbols contracted with each index of the tensor appropriately.

In the case of an invariant, I can visualize this as the normal partial derivative, so the geometric interpretation is clear. Also, for a first-order tensor $V^i$ such that vector $ \textbf{R} = V^i \textbf{Z}_i$, I know that I can say $$ \frac{\partial \textbf{R}}{\partial Z^k} = \nabla_k (V^i) \textbf{Z}_i $$ However, how can I understand the covariant derivative of higher order tensors and of vectors? What is the geometric meaning?

Best Answer

I'll say a few words about how I think about covariant derivatives, which is really just expanding on janmarqz's comment (hopefully others will contribute their own viewpoints as well):

For me, the most important geometric idea behind a covariant derivative $\nabla$ is that given a curve $\gamma$ in a manifold $M$, $\nabla$ gives you an isomorphism between the tangent spaces $T_{\gamma(t_1)}M$ and $T_{\gamma(t_2)}M$ for any two points on the curve. Mathematically, this isomorphism $$ P : T_{\gamma(t_1)}M \to T_{\gamma(t_2)}M $$ is the unique isomorphism with the property that for any $v \in T_{\gamma(t_1)}M$, there exists a vector field (which I'll call $v(t)$) along $\gamma$ such that $v(t_1) = v, v(t_2) = P(v)$, and $\nabla_{\gamma'(t)} v(t) = 0$ for all $t \in [t_1, t_2]$.

This isomorphism is called "parallel transport"; I like to picture a surface embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$, such as the 2-sphere, and think of parallel transport along a curve $\gamma$ as "dragging" vectors along that curve. (Important remark: the isomorphism obtained depends on the choice of curve $\gamma$ in general.)

Of course, once you have an isomorphism of vector spaces, you get an isomorphism of any of the associated tensor spaces as well. So if $T$ is a $(k,l)$-tensor on $T_{\gamma(t_1)}M$, then we get a $(k,l)$-tensor $PT$ on $T_{\gamma(t_2)}M$.

Now the point is that once you have this "parallel transport" isomorphism, the covariant derivative $\nabla_X \mathcal{T}$ is a literal derivative in the following precise sense: Given a vector $X \in T_pM$, let $\gamma$ be any curve with $\gamma'(0) = X$, and let $P_t$ be the "parallel transport along $\gamma$" isomorphism $$ P_t : T_{\gamma(t)}M \to T_{\gamma(0)}M \quad (= T_pM). $$ Then for any tensor field $\mathcal{T}$ on $M$, $$ \nabla_X \mathcal{T} = \frac{d}{dt}\Big|_{t=0} \Big( P_t \big( \mathcal{T}(\gamma(t)) \big) \Big). $$ This is a very precise interpretation of the idea that $\nabla_X \mathcal{T}$ gives you the derivative of $\mathcal{T}$ in the direction of $X$.

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