[Math] Coupled mass spring system with damping, I need help with the equation

laplace transformordinary differential equationsphysics

I know that the equation $mx''+cx'+kx=f(t)$ is used for a normal mass spring system, but I don't know how to express the differential equation for a coupled mass spring system with damping. These are the values:
First spring: $c=1$ $k=3$
Second spring: $c=3$ $k=1$
(no mass are given, so $m=1$)

The system is without external force, but placed in vertical position so $f(t)=mg$

Do I sum the constants of both springs so I can use the equation $mx''+cx'+kx=f(t)$?
Or do I solve the equations for separate and then sum the final result?
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Normally for coupled systems you have two position variables, one for each mass. So you have $$m_1x''+c_1x'+k_1x=f_1(t)\\ m_2y''+c_2y'+k_2y=f_2(t)$$ These are still not coupled. You need a term that is usually $k_3(x-y)$ added to the first and subtracted from the second to represent the coupling. You can write this as a single matrix equation where the $m$ and $c$ matrices are diagonal, but the $k$ matrix has off-diagonal terms to represent the coupling. $$m_1x''+c_1x'+k_1x +k_3(x-y)=f_1(t)\\ m_2y''+c_2y'+k_2y-k_3(x-y)=f_2(t)$$

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