[Math] Counting paths of a variable length on a directed graph

graph theorymatrices

If I've been given a directed Graph $G = (V,E)$ and its adjacency matrix $A$. How do I calculate how many (directed) paths do exist from one specific node to another (specific) one?

In general $a_{v,w}^{(n)}$ which is the n-th power of the entry $a_{v,w}$ of $A$ is the answer I am looking for (for the amount of pathes of the length $n$ from node $v$ to node $w$). But how do I determine an explicit formula for a variable n?

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

One way to do this is using Jordan normal form. It works well if you can write down the eigenvectors of $A$ explicitly. But there is another way. Consider the matrix generating function

$$(I - At)^{-1} = \sum_{n \ge 0} A^n t^n.$$

The coefficient of $t^n$ is precisely a matrix whose values describe the number of paths of length $n$ between the vertices of $G$. On the other hand, this is just the inverse of a matrix $I - At$, so its entries can be computed using the adjugate, which gives

$$(I - At)^{-1} = \frac{\text{adj}(I - At)}{\det(I - At)}$$


$$\sum_{n \ge 0} (A^n)_{ij} t^n = \frac{ \text{adj}(I - At)_{ij} }{\det(I - At)}.$$

But $\text{adj}(I - At)_{ij}$ is easy to calculate. Thus the generating function for the sequence you want can be explicitly written as the ratio of two polynomials which are easy to compute given $A$, and then you can use partial fraction decomposition to turn this into an explicit formula.

If you are less interested in an explicit formula than just efficiently computing $(A^n)_{ij}$, then it may be more productive to just compute $A^n$ using binary exponentiation.

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