[Math] Countable subsets of the reals

real numbers

The naturals, integers, rationals, algebraic, computable numbers are all countable subsets of the reals. What are some more interesting esoteric subsets of the reals which are countable? Which of those countable subsets actually form a field?

Best Answer

The rational and (real) algebraic numbers are of course fields which are contained in $\mathbb{R}$. The computable numbers are also a field, to see this, you'd have to show that the sum, product, difference and quotient (whenever this makes sense) of any two computable numbers is computable. Also, you might want to observe that the computable numbers contain the (real) algebraic numbers as a subset. If you want some more, take any countable field you like and adjoin a countable number of new elements, and you will get a countable field.

I'm not quite sure how to answer the first part of your question. What do you mean by interesting? Do you want some examples of sets which have some mathematical utility, and turn out to be countable? For some interesting non-examples you can show that any non-empty open subset of $\mathbb{R}$ has size continuum, and any closed subset of $\mathbb{R}$ is either countable (or finite) or of size continuum.

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