Group Theory – Countable Group with Uncountably Many Distinct Subgroups


I need to know whether the following statement is true or false?

Every countable group $G$ has only countably many distinct subgroups.

I have not gotten any counter example to disprove the statement but an vague idea to disprove like: if it has uncountably many distinct subgroup then It must have uncountable number of element?

Best Answer

Let $(\mathbb{Q},+)$ be the group of the rational numbers under addition. For any set $A$ of primes, let $G_A$ be the set of all rationals $a/b$ (in lowest terms) such that every prime factor of the denominator $b$ is in $A$. It is clear that $G_A$ is a subgroup of $\mathbb{Q}$, and that $G_A = G_{A'}$ iff $A = A'$. Since there are uncountably many sets of primes, this produces uncountably many distinct subgroups of the countable group $\mathbb{Q}$.

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