[Math] Correctness of proof that every neighborhood is an open set.


Rudin makes the following definitions:

(a) A neighborhood of p is a set $N_r(p)$ consisting of all $q$ such that $d(p, q) < r$, for some $r > 0$.

(b) $E$ is open if every point of $E$ is an interior point of $E$.

(c) $p$ is an interior point of $E$ if there exists a neighborhood $N_r(p)$ of $p$ that is a subset of $E$.

This is my attempt at the proof that every neighborhood $N = N_r(p)$ is an open set:

Let $x \in N$. Then there exists a neighborhood of $x$ that is also a subset of $N$, namely $N$ itself. Since $x$ and $N$ were arbitrary, every neighborhood is an open set.

Rudin's proof involves the use of the metric, and I wonder why it wouldn't use a more general approach, or if my proof is at all correct.

Best Answer

Given Rudin's definition of "neighborhood," if $x\in N_r(p)$ but $x\not=p$, then $N_r(p)$ is not, itself, a neighborhood of $x$. Strictly speaking, a set that is a neighborhood of a point is a ball with that point as its center, so $N_r(p)$ can only be a neighborhood of $p$. What Rudin therefore needs to prove -- and where metric considerations enter in -- is that if $x\in N_r(p)$, then there is some ball centered at $x$, $N_{r'}(x)$, that is completely contained in $N_r(p)$.