[Math] correct rotation and translation matrices

geometryrigid transformationrotationstransformation

I wrote a C++ program that can calculate the magnetic field $\bar{B}$ generated by a circular coil that is placed in the origin, for a given point $\bar{P}$ in 3D space.

The coil is in the $x$,$y$-surface, with $z=0$.

I want to describe multipoles now so I would have to be able to transform the coordinates of $\bar{P}$ to the coordinate system of a coil that is shifted and rotated $\bar{P}^\prime$.

The coils that are shifted and rotated would have their coordinate systems like so:

  1. the origin of the coil system is at $O^\prime=(R\cos\phi,R\sin\phi,0)$

  2. The $z^\prime$-axis points to the origin of the normal system, is also in the $x$,$y$-surface and makes an angle $\phi$ with the $x$-axis of the normal system.

  3. The $y^\prime$-axis is parallel to the $z$-axis

  4. the $x^\prime$-axis follows (all systems being orthonormal).

Thus all coils (the number of coils is arbitrary) lie on a circle with radius $R$ and their central axis $z$.

My approach has been this so far:

  1. transform $\bar{P}$ to $\bar{P}^\prime$ in the coil's system
  2. calculate $\bar{B}^\prime$ using my program
  3. transform $\bar{B}^\prime$ back to the normal system (only rotation has to be undone, since $\bar{B}$ is a free vector and I only need it's components).

I've been using a transformation matrix $M=R_y(\phi)R_x(\pi/2)$ that looks like this:

so $\bar{P}^\prime=M\bar{P}$, after first translating $\bar{P}$ to $\bar{P}_t$ by:

And $\bar{B}=M^\prime \bar{B}^\prime$ with $M^\prime=M^T$.

My results are fautly, so what am I doing wrong?

Also, let me know if this question is too concrete to post on a math forum.

Added image for clarity:
The gray circle is where the coil always is in the system that's being used for my C++ program, the dark circle is the coil where it should be.
the image

Best Answer

I don't understand how you arrived at your rotation matrix, so I'll just go by your description of the transformed system and the image, which I think I understand.

If we choose $\phi=0$, $O'$ lies on the $x$-axis, so the $z'$-axis should be the negative $x$-axis, the $y'$-axis should be the $z$-axis, and the $x'$-axis should correspondingly be the negative $y$-axis. That corresponds to the transformation matrix


This is not what your expression for the rotation matrix yields for $\phi=0$. Since the $y'$-axis always points along the $z$-axis and only the $x'$-axis and the $z'$-axis are rotated into each other if we change $\phi$, we can immediately infer the general form of the rotation matrix as


where only the sign of the sine was still to be determined and can be fixed by considering $\phi=\pi/2$.

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