[Math] Correct notation to indicate multiplying all elements within a set


Is there a correct notation to indicate multiplying all elements within a set?

For example, if $M = \left\{n_0, n_1, …, n_t\right\}$ be the set of elements where I want to multiply all the numbers within the set to create the product, $P$. Is there a better way to indicate this multiplication than writing $P = n_0\times n_1\times…\times n_t$?

I'm not an actual mathematician so any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The general notation you want is the symbol $\prod$ (see also Wikipedia), which works equivalently to the symbol $\sum$ for summation. So, if you're given the context $$M =\{n_0, n_1, \ldots, n_t\}$$ you could write your product $P$ in either of the following ways: $$P=\prod_{i=0}^t n_i=\prod_{n\in M}n $$

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