[Math] Correct formula to find the range of a projectile (given angle (possibly negative), initial velocity, initial elevation, and g)

physicsprojectile motion


  • $\theta$ (a negative angle)
  • $v_0$ (initial velocity)
  • $y_0$ (initial height)
  • $g$ (acceleration of gravity)

I want to find the range of a projectile (ignoring wind resistance)

Hours of searching have given no useful results. Those that I thought were useful turned out to be incapable of accounting for negative angles. This formula in particular returns a range of 0 if the angle is 0, which simply doesn't make sense.

For example:

  • $\theta=-12.5$°
  • $v_0=100$m/s
  • $y_0=1.65$m
  • $g=9.80665$

Best Answer

With horizental velocity $v_x=v_0\cos\theta$ and vertical velocity $v_y=-v_0\sin\theta-gt$ (here $\theta>0$) and integration we see $$x=\int_0^tv_0\cos\theta\,dt=v_0\cos\theta\,t\,\,\,,\,\,\,y=\int_0^t v_y\,dy=-v_0\sin\theta\,t-\frac12gt^2$$ Eliminating $t$ between them gives $$y=-\tan\theta\,x-\frac{g}{2v_0^2\cos^2\theta}x^2$$ the range $R$ is the point $(R,y_0<0)$ and you may continue from here!

Edit: The solution for $h=-y_0$ and $\theta<0$ after solving the equation $$\frac{g}{2v_0^2\cos^2\theta}d^2+\tan\theta\,d-h=0$$ is $$d=-\dfrac{v_0^2}{2g}\sin2\theta\left(1+\sqrt{1+\dfrac{2gh}{v_0^2\sin^2\theta}}\right)$$ which works for $\theta<0$ as you wanted.