[Math] Coordinates of the intersection of two tangents to a circle

analytic geometrycirclesgeometry

Let $A = (x_A, y_A)$ and $B = (x_B, y_B)$. Let $\gamma$ be a circumference of radius $r$, centered in $(0, 0)$; $A$ and $B$ lie outside of $\gamma$, and on the same side of some line $L$ through the center of $\gamma$.

Make tangents from $A$ and $B$ to $\gamma$. These tangents intersect in a point $C$, on the same side. What are the coordinates of $C$?

enter image description here
In green, you can see the tangents from $A$ and from $B$, which intersect in $C$.

I could find a solution by finding the equation of each tangent, and then finding their intersections. However, such a solution involves manipulating quite a few parametric polynomials, which takes a long time and is rather inelegant. Is there a simpler solution relying upon geometrical theorems?

Best Answer

To begin with we may assume the circle $C$, center $(0,0),$ has radius $1$ (divide all coordinates by the circle radius, then remultiply at the end). Rewrite each of $A,B$ in polar coordinates as $(r_a,\theta_a),\ (r_b,\theta_b).$ For each of $A,B$ there are then two points on $C$ where the tangents from $A$ or $B$ meet $C$, say they are at $t_a,t_b$ in the sense that their coordinates are e.g. $P(t_a)=(\cos(t_a),\sin(t_a))$ for $A$ and similarly for $B.$ The values for these $t$ are $$t_a=\theta_a \pm \cos^{-1}(1/r_a) \tag{1}$$ and similarly for $t_b$, as may be seen from a right triangle with one vertex at $A$, another at $P(t_a)$ and the third at the origin $O=(0,0).$ [right angle is at $P(t_a).$] The $\pm$ choice reflects which of the two tangents from $A$ one wants to use.

Once we have made choices for which tangent to use at each point, which amounts to choosing the sign in $(1),$ we have specific values for the angles $t_a$ and $t_b.$ Then the polar coordinates for the intersection point of the two tangents has its angle as $(t_a+t_b)/2$ and its radius as $\sec[(t_a-t_b)/2].$

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